Navigating Life’s Tempests:

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Although the news bulletin confirmed her decision to evacuate, Elise didn’t want to hear another minute of forecasts, preparations, and predictions. Brad searched until he found a nice easy listening channel and drove through the rain on surprisingly deserted roads. Apparently, the rest of the city heeded the warnings long before the Steiners. As the car ventured through the quiet stillness of the calm before the storm, the children slept, while their parents and grandparents sat in silence, looking out at the Louisiana wetlands bordering the interstate highway. At one point, in their lonely journey, a caravan of paramedic units and ambulances passed them up, in the left lane Elise felt her flesh creep as she watched these people go by, imagining how frightened they must be, dealing not only with the pain and uncertainty of an illness, but also, their sole reliance on total strangers to find a safe haven for them during the storm Each of those patients was someone’s mother or father, a grandparent, or a sibling, or, worse yet, someone’s child. “Thank you, God,” she whispered, again, and turned around to look at each member of her family, as though she had to make sure everyone was still there with her.

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Aunque el boletín de noticias confirmó su decisión de evacuar, Elise no quería escuchar otro minuto de pronósticos, preparativos y predicciones. Brad buscó hasta encontrar un canal de fácil escucha y condujo por la lluvia en carreteras sorprendentemente desiertas. Aparentemente, el resto de la ciudad había prestado atención a las advertencias mucho antes que los Steiners. Mientras el automóvil se aventuraba a través de la tranquila calma antes de la tormenta, los niños dormían mientras sus padres y abuelos permanecían en silencio, mirando hacia las tierras húmedas de Luisiana que bordean la autopista interestatal. En un momento de su solitario viaje, una caravana de unidades de paramédicos y ambulancias los adelantó por el carril izquierdo. Elise sintió que su piel se erizaba mientras los veía pasar, imaginando cuán asustados debían estar los pacientes, lidiando no solo con el dolor e incertidumbre de una enfermedad, sino también con su única dependencia de completos extraños para encontrar un refugio seguro durante la tormenta. Cada uno de esos pacientes era la madre o el padre de alguien, un abuelo o un hermano, o peor aún, el hijo de alguien. “Gracias, Dios”, susurró de nuevo y se volvió para mirar a cada miembro de su familia, como si tuviera que asegurarse de que todos todavía estuvieran con ella.
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Discover the book
Although the news bulletin confirmed her decision to evacuate, Elise didn’t want to hear another minute of forecasts, preparations, and predictions. Brad searched until he found a nice easy listening channel and drove through the rain on surprisingly deserted roads. Apparently, the rest of the city heeded the warnings long before the Steiners. As the car ventured through the quiet stillness of the calm before the storm, the children slept, while their parents and grandparents sat in silence, looking out at the Louisiana wetlands bordering the interstate highway. At one point, in their lonely journey, a caravan of paramedic units and ambulances passed them up, in the left lane Elise felt her flesh creep as she watched these people go by, imagining how frightened they must be, dealing not only with the pain and uncertainty of an illness, but also, their sole reliance on total strangers to fi nd a safe haven for them during the storm Each of those patients was someone’s mother or father, a grandparent, or a sibling, or, worse yet, someone’s child. “Thank you, God,” she whispered, again, and turned around to look at each member of her family, as though she had to make sure everyone was still there with her.
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praise for ‘storms’
Book Reviews

Kate Robinson
US Review of Books
“After all, the climate and conditions for a storm were always present in the atmosphere.”
The author, a Louisiana native, writes elegantly of the literal and metaphorical storms that batter the generations in this literary family drama. The story opens as protagonist Elise Charleville Steiner dreams of the calm her maternal grandmother, Lala, always displayed, knowing that life had a way of returning to normal after any storm. As the author’s debut novel wends its circuitous path through both ordinary and emotionally fraught family scenes over the next week, a powerful hurricane sweeps across the Caribbean, with landfall predicted near Elise’s community of Bayou Chouteau. It is a study of action and reaction.
As Elise and her family prepare to evacuate, she reflects upon more generational mysteries. Particularly haunting is Elise’s cousin Jacqui’s unrequited love affair, whose ending makes no sense until flashbacks spiral like storm systems through the present-day elements of the tale, reflecting the story themes of stormy disruption and coping with adjustments. This is not a simple, straightforward story, and the challenge of following Elise’s mother and aunt as they navigate the emotional storms of their past and present is made more impressive through the vivid characterizations, engrossing situations, and capable prose. This title brings to mind some charming yet tragedy-laden stories featuring Southern women by author Fannie Flagg and playwright Robert Harling.
The monstrous hurricane undergoes a sudden transformation and makes landfall as a tropical storm in Mississippi. But Elise is battered nonetheless upon discovering her Aunt Kitty’s role in perpetuating an untruth about her cousin Jacqui’s true paternity. Hers was a practical decision turned heartless and cruel through the vagaries of feminine survival in male-dominated, mid-twentieth century Louisiana. Ultimately, life’s storms don’t quite disappear, as the author articulately and definitively demonstrates, but like the unpredictable hurricane and family issues, they are transmuted and recycled instead. The author’s engaging novel is sure to generate acclaim.

Professional Review
“Her reticent manner and her silent reserve were calming reminders to Elise that, in the end, after the storm, everything would be all right. After all, LaLa had survived many storms in her long
Author Snitzer is an author of eloquence who chooses the right words and writes about the
experiences in a resonating manner as if the reader were part of the story. The author chronicles the impacts of storms in the lives of the characters, who have different eyes that perceive the literal
and metaphorical storms in life. Different POVs are presented considering the phase or season of life the different characters belong to; their age and experience play an important role in facing the
‘storms’. In the introduction of the story, readers will meet the protagonist, Elise, dreaming of her grandmother’s calmness, which reminds her of a great lesson about the passing of time and how circumstances change—the beauty of the “This too shall pass” notion. As the story progresses, the
emotional storms are given different colors. Due to the storm, Elise decides to evacuate, but she doesn’t want to hear any more forecasts. Brad finds a listening station and drives on empty roads
while it is raining. The Steiners pay attention to the cautionary signs. As they pass a group of ambulances and paramedic units, they try to imagine the patients’ anxiety and uncertainty. Elise gives God praise and checks on her family to make sure everyone is okay. Readers often see that most of the stories about storms are told by strong men whose strength is of
use in carrying and helping those struggling during and after storms, but this story is distinct as it presents the other side of the spectrum—about how the women survive fighting the storms physically and mentally. The undeniable talent in the writing of the author is appealing to the readers, as no life is free of storms. The landfall of the merciless storm in the setting of the story and its transformation made impacts and changes to the lives of the characters, including the unveiling of the truth, which showed how women are empowered in the face of difficulty in a society where they are being seen as inferior over men. This poignant story not only showcases the expertise of the author in presenting one
event after another, including revisiting memories and lessons about the realities in society that are often not discussed. This inspiring read brings to the reader’s table the ever–constant truth that people are free to choose and decide but are not free of the consequences of the choices and decisions made.
watch an exclusive radio interview :
Maria Fernandez Snitzer with Benjie Cole from CBS Radio
Join the conversation as Maria Fernandez Snitzer shares insights into the creation process, the characters’ journeys, and the powerful themes that echo throughout ‘Storms.’
Maria Fernandez Snitzer with This Week in America
We’re thrilled to share an exclusive opportunity to delve deeper into the captivating world of ‘Storms.’ Tune in to CBS Radio Station as the author Maria Fernandez Snitzer takes the airwaves by storms, discussing the inspirations, emotions, and hidden depths behind the pages of this gripping narrative.
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Stay tuned for an engaging dialogue that promises to unveil the magic behind ‘Storms’.
Exhibition & Book Fair
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2023 American Library Association Annual Conference
While the book fair may be over, the journey with ‘Storm’ continues.
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the london book fair
Step back in time and revisit the thrilling moments when ‘Storm’ took center stage at the book fair. While the fair may be a memory, the magic of ‘Storm’ lingers.
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2023 Beijing International Book Fair:
Although the book fair has concluded, the adventure with ‘Storm’ lives on!
Click the button below to relive the excitement and explore more about ‘Storm’ during the book fair.
‘storm’ featured in
publishers weekly
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news! ‘Storms,’ my personal journey and story, has been featured in the latest issue of [Magazine Name]. It’s truly an honor to see my narrative showcased in the pages of this esteemed publication.
We’re thrilled to share some exciting news! ‘Storms,’ my book, has been featured in the Publishers Weekly. It’s truly an honor to see my narrative showcased in the pages of this esteemed publication.
‘storm’ featured in
los angeles times
Big news! The intimate pages of my book, ‘Storms,’ have found a new home in the captivating features of Los Angeles Times . Join me on this exciting journey as the narrative unfolds within the prestigious pages of this distinguished publication.
Big news! The intimate pages of my book, ‘Storms,’ have found a new home in the captivating features of Los Angeles Times . Join me on this exciting journey as the narrative unfolds within the prestigious pages of this distinguished publication.
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2023 American Library Association
Annual Conference
ALA, the oldest and largest library association in the world, and holds its Annual Conference & Exhibition in June of each year. As the world’s biggest library event and a $5 billion dollar industry with over 120,000 libraries, the conference brings together 25,000 librarians, library staff, educators, authors, publishers, friends of libraries, trustees, special guests, and exhibitors to engage and participate in the ongoing transformation of libraries.

The London Book Fair
New Title Showcase
It is a featured exhibit at the fair and is located in prime location that will attract thousands of fair goers. All title(s) will be shown cover face-out with important details about your book listed in both a printed catalog and an online searchable catalog that will be live for a period of two years. Attendees will include publishers, literary agents, distributors, librarians, booksellers, authors, movie producers and other publishing professionals

2023 Beijing International Book Fair
Combined book exhibit
The Chinese market is one of the largest and fastest growing in the world. With over 2 billion people, education is a high priority for the government. Every Chinese child is required to learn English when they enter school which puts English language content in high demand. The Beijing Book Fair is attended by over 30,000 people each year. In attendance are publishers, distributors, literary agents, consumers, digital media companies, film and production companies and bookstores.

maria fernandez snitzer
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